Saturday, January 31, 2009

LaTasha Watkins Gets Second Degree Burns

21 year-old LaTasha Watkins is diagnosed with second degree burns after an accident in the kitchen.

Watkins, an electrical engineer student at Lawrence Tech University, says she was turning off the stove when her elbow hit the pot handle causing cooking oil to splash all over her right hand and wrist as well as her left index finger and thumb.

“The first thing I did was grab a first aid cloth to cover my arm and my boyfriend drove me to emergency” Watkins says.

The burns have prevented Watkins from doing simple tasks on her own such as doing her hair, showering, and driving.

“I have to wash my burns 2-3 times a day and put fresh gauze on…along with silver sulfadiazine cream”

This is not the first time Watkins has burned herself. At age five she got a 3 degree burn from a hair curler.

According to the doctor that helped Watkins in emergency, Watkins’ accident is not uncommon.

Watkins hopes her experience will alert others to never leave the pot or pan handle sticking out when cooking.


  1. I enjoy this it is very much like the Onion - is that what you were going for?

  2. I too enjoyed your style of writing. I know Tasha and the incident but this was informative and interesting.

  3. Good job Andrea! great writing. I didn't know what happened to Tasha. I can't believe she went through burns twice in her life.

  4. Thanks :)

    JH- Onion? I don't even know what you are referring to lol so no.

    Update: She is healing well and is doing much better :)
