I have been looking forward to the China trip (this July) for a long time- I was going to go there to teach English. I had LTU paying for half the trip through the Quest Project and everything.
However, if I win Miss Michigan on June 21st I can not go to China.
Miss Michigan is already booked to attend many events in July.
So here is the dilemma:
If I say I am going to China, and then I win Miss Michigan, I will back out from the trip last minute; meaning that I would ruin LTU's reputation with CCE (who pay for our flight to China and help us with the program), I would leave my partner hanging (we teach in teams of two), and have to pay LTU back for the participation fee and pay a late fee ($400).
Really bad isn't it? So why don't I just say "I am not going?"
Because LTU needs at least four people to go in order to have the trip- if I back out I could jeopardize LTU's participation in the China trip- again making LTU look bad.
So my only option (unless you can think of another) is to find a replacement ASAP- only problem is that I only have a week to find that other person- less than that actually.
SO if you know anyone in LTU willing to go to China in July- and has about $1,500 saved up let me know!
I am really bummed because this is an amazing experience that I did not want to miss out on- but at the same time I have to have the positive attitude that I will win Miss Michigan- and I can go to China next year (I hope).
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