Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama's Address On Tuesday

Obama made me proud to have him as a president on Tuesday.

If you know me, you know that education is a huge passion of mine.
I am an advocate for High School Drop-out Prevention. I have known about this crisis for a while and saddened that not many people know about this problem. It has been a silent epidemic for so long, and I have been waiting for a president to put a voice to the issue and Obama did just that on Tuesday.

He addressed the importance of education; and when he mentioned the High School Drop-out crisis I was so happy- I can't even describe it. He said "Dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It's not quitting on yourself, its quitting on your country."
I couldn't of said it better!

It is a blessing to have a president who has a great understanding of the Drop-out Crisis. It really affects everyone. 

Here are some facts for you in case you did not know:

- One third of students drop-out each year
- The country loses about $200 billion for each class of drop-outs
- Drop-outs are less likely to vote and participate in the community
- Drop-outs are economically disadvantaged
- Most incarcerated people did not graduate from high school

So I really have my hopes up that Obama will help decrease the number of drop-outs; but one thing is for sure: he can't do it alone.

We need to work together to help keep students in school. 
One way to start is to inform them of the important of a high school degree. How many times were you told the importance of a diploma when you were in high school? And I'm not talking about the "you need to do well in high school so you can go to college."

Students don't know how they will suffer financially is they drop-out. Specially with this economic crisis, jobs are becoming more competitive.

We need to keep our students/children/friends in school- and it is so great to have a president that is behind us, pushing us, to make a positive change.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The documentary that I analyzed is SiCKO by Michael Moore. SiCKO is about the health care system in America. It portrays the negative aspects that health care has on people who have and pay for health care. Moore gives us true stories of people who were denied a treatment and therefore suffered. Moore explores the health care systems in other countries such as Great Britain and France. Moore puts some humor into the documentary by asking the people of other countries how much they pay for health care to get an answer similar to “Huh? We don’t pay anything. We are not America.” At the end, Moore finds out that there is a place in America that has free health care: Guantanamo. Moore takes some people (including some heroes from 9/11) that have been rejected by the health care system in America to get free treatment. However, they end up in Cuba were they get free treatment.

I learned a lot about health care that I did not know previously. I had no idea that America’s health care was ranked 37 within all the other countries. I also did not know that there were actually countries with free health care; I know they probably have high taxes, but at least the people are not denied care.
I had no idea that the health care workers actually searched for ways to deny care; acting like FBI agents to see if you had given false information.
I definitely learned a lot from the film. However, I do keep in mind that Moore did show one side of the argument; I will had to research more in order to get a true opinion.


Midterms- there isn't a "right" time for them to arrive.

Because of midterms I missed the Oscars! Yes- I had to study all night Sunday because my Monday was busy for my midterm on Tuesday. While my mom and dad and everyone else sat down to watch the amazing Oscars, I had to study :(

Because of midterms I didn't go out Friday night. I had to decline an invitation to a party, a birthday party, and a get together with my sister.

Because of midterms I was half awake at work- It was the first time I had to drag myself to work, because I normally enjoy going.

Because of midterms I had to miss a couple of meetings at school.

Because of my midterm today, my hand hurts! I had to answer five short answer questions. 
For a whole hour I did nothing but write.

Since both my sister and boyfriend (an some close friends) do not go to LTU I feel like I am the only one missing out because they are on Spring Break right now. This happens every time. 

I can't wait until midterms are over!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spanish Soap Operas

Not the first one to say it- Spanish soap operas are WAY better than English ones.
However, I am not the type of person to first- watch TV (I know- not very common, but I am too busy to watch TV) and second- like HAVING to watch something this day and time or else I go nuts

My father is the same way- me and him try to not even turn on the TV when a Spanish soap is going on. On the other hand, my mom is obsessed with them.
And this is what ends up happening EVERY time-

1) My mom starts watching a soap in secret
2) My dad or I suspect she is watching one so we ask- to get a "huh? me? no- I just glimpsed at it the other day, but I am not watching it"
3) Mom continues to watch the soap in secret
4) I see commercials of the soap and innocently ask "what is that soap about?" and my mom spills the beans by giving WAY too much detail and gets caught (but is still in denial)
5) Finally mom confesses that she has to record the soap when we decide to go out one night because she is addicted to it
6) Mom watches her soap- usually at night- so dad gets forced to watch it too
7) Dad gets addicted to the soap
8) Mom and dad watch it all the time (recording it if they are not home) and talk about it constantly
9) Many times they watch recorded ones downstairs- so while I am in the kitchen table doing hw I get to hear and glimpse at the soap
10) I get addicted to the soap
11) I hate myself for it
12) After soap is done me and dad make mom promise that she will not begin to watch another
13) Mom promises
14) Start over at #1

Right now the soap we are watching is Las Tontas No Van Al Cielo (not exact tranlation, but pretty much Dumb Women Don't Go To Heaven). It is a really funny soap- unlike those crazy soaps where everyone marries everyone and then everyone gets killed.

So though it is a very enjoyable soap to watch- I can't stand being addicted to it.
I just have way too many things to do to be HAVING to watch something for an hour Mon-Fri.

And though I want to say it won't happen again- it will- because my mom always finds a new soap.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Boot Camp

In order to get myself in shape faster, I decided I would attend Boot Camp-
For those of you who don't know what that is, it is an activity offered at LTU every Monday and Wednesday were students exercise to the extreme.

I'm not going to lie, I was scared to go- I pictured a person with a whistle yelling at me to run faster and if I messed up telling me to do 10 push-ups.

Thankfully, it wasn't like that.
A woman, Kelly, is in charge of Boot Camp and lets you go at your own pace.
However, if she knows you can do it- she will yell at you.
The type and amount of exercises she demands is not easy either!

At the beginning I was fine, but towards the end of the hour I could barely do half the stuff she asked. I didn't get yelled at for not keeping up either- that was a relief.

Today my whole body is sore, I have no clue how I am going to exercise tomorrow- my body muscles are seriously on strike.

We'll see how it goes tomorrow!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dulce De Tres Leches

I am currently enjoying my last dessert until July (unless I win Miss Michigan- then it will be until forever).

I now have my own personal trainer- Scott from the Field House. 
I never had a personal trainer before, it's kinda exciting.

I am happy to have a motivation to get in shape- though I am not fat, I am not in shape at all.
I get tired by running less than a mile, I never drink water, and definitely do not eat healthy.
The worst part is that I met with Scott on Friday for a 15 assessment and my body has been hurting all day! All I did was as many push ups and sit up in a minute and other simple stuff.
Man am I out of shape!

This is going to change starting Monday.
So, I went home and asked my mom to make my favorite dessert- Dulce De Tres Leches so I could enjoy it before I started being healthy.

Dulce De Tres Leches translates into: Sweet of three milks- sounds weird in English haha

This dessert is SO delicious it is going to be hard to say good-bye.
BUT I want to look all toned-up and healthy for the pageant- so it has to go!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tough Decisions

I have to make the hardest decision right now...

I have been looking forward to the China trip (this July) for a long time- I was going to go there to teach English. I had LTU paying for half the trip through the Quest Project and everything.

However, if I win Miss Michigan on June 21st I can not go to China.
Miss Michigan is already booked to attend many events in July.

So here is the dilemma:
If I say I am going to China, and then I win Miss Michigan, I will back out from the trip last minute; meaning that I would ruin LTU's reputation with CCE (who pay for our flight to China and help us with the program), I would leave my partner hanging (we teach in teams of two), and have to pay LTU back for the participation fee and pay a late fee ($400).

Really bad isn't it? So why don't I just say "I am not going?"
Because LTU needs at least four people to go in order to have the trip- if I back out I could jeopardize LTU's participation in the China trip- again making LTU look bad.

So my only option (unless you can think of another) is to find a replacement ASAP- only problem is that I only have a week to find that other person- less than that actually.

SO if you know anyone in LTU willing to go to China in July- and has about $1,500 saved up let me know!

I am really bummed because this is an amazing experience that I did not want to miss out on- but at the same time I have to have the positive attitude that I will win Miss Michigan- and I can go to China next year (I hope).

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Won Miss Lawrence Tech!

I can hardly explain all the emotions that I am feeling right now-
I am happy, excited, thankful, grateful, proud, nervous, and more....

I was extremely nervous all day yesterday and throughout the pageant.
I've been on-stage so many times throughout my life and never been SO nervous and I didn't know why at first, and then I realized it was because I REALLY wanted to win- it was so important to me and my nerves of not realizing my dream took over.

I could barely walk because my legs were shaking and my upper lip was shaking at one point! haha never had that happen before!

I am re-living the moment when they announced my name as the first Miss Lawrence Tech- I was SO happy I had tears of joy.

This means so much to me. Not only because of the scholarship, but because I have an opportunity to advocate my platform "High School Drop-out Prevention."

I have always wanted to make a positive change and difference in the world and now I have an opportunity to do that.
I am also honored to represent Lawrence Technological University. 

I am looking forward to my year of service as Miss Lawrence Tech and wish to find numerous opportunities to speak out about the importance of education (specifically a high school diploma).

I am thankful to God, my family, and my friends for all their support.

Miss Michigan hear I come!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Morning

This is going to be the longest day ever for me-

I had my interview with the judges this morning, I have prep/rehearsal at 3pm, the Miss LTU pageant is at 5pm, and then I have my sorority formal right after!

Right now I am waiting for the pageant to start- I can't wait!

I'm just glad the interview portion is over with- man did this judges ask some hard questions!
Some were easy for me since it related to my platform: High School Drop-out Prevention, but some questions were harder.
The hardest question I got was "so you want to be in would you advertise "Andrea"" 
How would I advertise myself? I have no clue! There are so many positive things I could say about myself, but that question is hard! Hmm...still don't know.

Lucky for me, right when they asked me that question the time was up and I wasn't able to answer it- yay! haha

So that part is over with *phew* I think I did very well.

More updates of the pageant will be in my next blog with the results of tonight!
Good luck to all contestants!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

It never hurts to ask...

It never hurts to ask....
something I learned a long time ago.

Something so simple can open up so many opportunities.
I keep getting asked how I got my evening gown dress sponsored for the Miss Lawrence Tech pageant this Saturday (Feb 7th); and the answer is simple- I went to different stores and asked if they would be willing to sponsor me a dress.

Now, I was lucky because the first store I went to said yes (Group USA in Great Lakes Crossing); but I needed another dress for my talent and I asked about five different stores that gave me a "no"- but did I lose anything? nope!

Finally, I found a store (Guys N' Gals) to sponsor me a dress for my talent.
So, while other girls are buying a dress or looking for someone to lend them one, I got a brand-new dress to wear for the pageant. And why? because I asked.

Asking someone for help is probably the smartest thing I have done- rather than have the "I can do it myself" attitude. Sometimes, you need to ask.

How have I gotten my tuition waved twice? Gotten cafe cash so I don't starve throughout the year? Gotten numerous scholarships? I asked someone for help.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Never "too old" for Disney

I LOVE Disney movies...
and I really don't understand those who don't, or say that they are "too old" for Disney movies- what? No one is too old for Disney movies!

I should really say Disney and Pixar movies (animated ones).
My favorite movies are Finding Nemo, Monster's Inc., Shrek, and The Emperor's New Groove, and of course, the classics: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Beauty and the Beast.

The Disney/Pixar movies that are coming out lately have adult jokes in them too, which makes them great family movies.

When people meet my family, my family sometimes comes out weird because all we do is quote Disney/Pixar movies- and you do not want to watch us play Disney's Scene it!- it is war.

Disney movies are so funny, memorable, and best of all quotable.

For those Disney lovers out there here are some of my favorite things to quote, and for those of you are "too old" for Disney- you are missing out!

"I want my cookiiees!!"

"cucucuchu! and the pop out of the big ol' blue"

"You're the criminal mastermind! [what?]'re right, that's giving you WAY too much credit"

"I can still hear her little voice *tear*" "Hey, I can hear her many kids you got in there?"

"I'll find those stairs. I'll whip their butt too. Those stairs won't know which way they're going"

"It runs in my least I think it does...hmm...where are they?"

"They popped out of the snow- LIKE DAISES!"