Thursday, February 26, 2009
Obama's Address On Tuesday
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The documentary that I analyzed is SiCKO by Michael Moore. SiCKO is about the health care system in America. It portrays the negative aspects that health care has on people who have and pay for health care. Moore gives us true stories of people who were denied a treatment and therefore suffered. Moore explores the health care systems in other countries such as Great Britain and France. Moore puts some humor into the documentary by asking the people of other countries how much they pay for health care to get an answer similar to “Huh? We don’t pay anything. We are not America.” At the end, Moore finds out that there is a place in America that has free health care: Guantanamo. Moore takes some people (including some heroes from 9/11) that have been rejected by the health care system in America to get free treatment. However, they end up in Cuba were they get free treatment.
I learned a lot about health care that I did not know previously. I had no idea that America’s health care was ranked 37 within all the other countries. I also did not know that there were actually countries with free health care; I know they probably have high taxes, but at least the people are not denied care.
I had no idea that the health care workers actually searched for ways to deny care; acting like FBI agents to see if you had given false information.
I definitely learned a lot from the film. However, I do keep in mind that Moore did show one side of the argument; I will had to research more in order to get a true opinion.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Spanish Soap Operas
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Boot Camp
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Dulce De Tres Leches

I am currently enjoying my last dessert until July (unless I win Miss Michigan- then it will be until forever).
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tough Decisions
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I Won Miss Lawrence Tech!
I can hardly explain all the emotions that I am feeling right now-